It’s 3:00 pm, you’ve been staring at a blank page on your real estate website for two hours, wondering what to write…
Does this sound like a problem you’ve had? Writer’s block is not uncommon, and it often happens when we don’t have a framework or formula to follow when writing. Inspiration is important too, but unfortunately we can’t build an inspiration generating tool…
We can, however – and did – build a website copy generating tool that leverages the powerful AIDA framework to help you write engaging pieces of content for your real estate website.

Using the free template that you can download at the bottom of this blog post, you will be writing professional copy for your real estate website using a highly converting (and well-known) formula.
What is AIDA?
It is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. These four pillars help you break your real estate website copywriting out into bite-sized morsels that allow you to focus your attention.
Rather than writing an entire web page with no guiding principles, you can now focus your writing using our free AIDA tool. You start with a couple ATTENTION grabbing sentences, followed by an INTEREST building paragraph, then a few sentences that make readers DESIRE what your website is saying, and finally invite them to take an ACTION.

AIDA is a useful framework for writing any sort of sales copy… emails, listing descriptions, brochures, and of course, website copy. In fact, we covered AIDA for writing emails in our comprehensive real estate marketing ebook, Dojo – The Blueprint for Real Estate Marketing Mastery.
Your real estate website is a tool for capturing leads for your business. Its ultimate objective is to help you SELL, and therefore every word on your website should be considered sales copy – a perfect copywriting candidate for AIDA.
AIDA is a tried and true formula – if you have the time, you could pour over the 1.2 million Google results for “AIDA Sales Formula”, or just continue reading cause we’ve done that for you and distilled it right here.
Once you’ve fully digested the AIDA formula for copywriting, your writers block will hopefully become a thing of the past. You’ll be writing powerful website copy faster than you ever thought you could, giving professional copywriters a run for their money ?
PS. Want to skip all these details and download the freebie? Just scroll to the bottom of this page.
An Example of AIDA at Work for Real Estate Website Copy
I just visited a random real estate website, and borrowed the text from their “Buy a Home” page:
We are a team of multiple award winning agents who are passionate about finding our clients their dream home at the best value. We will handle all aspects of the buying process and use all of our resources to ensure that your home purchase is a very enjoyable experience.
Whether you are just starting to search for a home or are wanting to know the ins and outs of the buying process, we will be excited to assist you and answer any questions that may arise along the way. We have successfully found many of our clients their dream homes and they would be happy to offer a letter of reference at your request.
Please fill out the form below and we will gladly get in touch!
Now, I’m going to break the content above up into 4 pillars (Before), and then update it using the A.I.D.A formula (After.)
Before: We are a team of multiple award winning agents who are passionate about finding our clients their dream home at the best value.
After: You are passionate about finding your dream home. Don’t you think you deserve award winning agents who are as passionate as you?
Before: We will handle all aspects of the buying process and use all of our resources to ensure that your home purchase is a very enjoyable experience.
After: Working with our team isn’t work at all. Let us find you some properties, schedule the showings, drive you there and back, negotiate offers, handle the paperwork, and everything else in between. All you need to do is point to the home you love and then let us take care of the rest.
Before: Whether you are just starting to search for a home or are wanting to know the ins and outs of the buying process, we will be excited to assist you and answer any questions that may arise along the way. We have successfully found many of our clients their dream homes and they would be happy to offer a letter of reference at your request.
After: Buying a home is a major milestone and commitment, we understand that, and we are here to make sure you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process. We’ve done this hundreds of times with hundreds of people just like yourself, and we’d be happy to share their success stories with you upon request.
Before: Please fill out the form below and we will gladly get in touch!
After: We can’t wait to help you find your dream home. Just fill out the short form below and we’ll be in touch!
Look what happens when I combine all the “After” paragraphs together to form a finished product:
You are passionate about finding your dream home. Don’t you think you deserve award winning agents who are as passionate as you?
Working with our team isn’t work at all. Let us find you some properties, schedule the showings, drive you there and back, negotiate offers, handle the paperwork, and everything else in between. All you need to do is point to the home you love and then let us take care of the rest.
Buying a home is a major milestone and commitment, we understand that, and we are here to make sure you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process. We’ve done this hundreds of times with hundreds of people just like yourself, and we’d be happy to share their success stories with you upon request.
We can’t wait to help you find your dream home. Just fill out the short form below and we’ll be in touch!
Not only does this upgraded AIDA version read much better than the original, it is scientifically proven to perform better as well.
By breaking up the entire page into 4 smaller chunks, you treat each pillar as it’s own unique piece of copy. This makes sure your sentences stay fresh and excited, and don’t fall victim to writer’s fatigue.
And keep in mind, I just whipped up this example based on some limited information I found on a real estate website 10 minutes ago. You have so much more information about your business than I did about this one – your real estate website or landing page copy is going to be 10X better!
The Free AIDA Real Estate Website Copy Template
Now that you understand AIDA, how it works, and how it’s going to change your copywriting for the better, it’s time to hand over the freebie!
This freebie is an excel template that will train you to use A.I.D.A. to write your real estate website copy.
This template will get you in the habit of writing your real estate website or landing page copy using the AIDA format. The ultimate goal is that one day you won’t even need this template, because you will automatically think AIDA when you think about writing anything.
Note: You must DOWNLOAD the template to your local computer, then use the file from your own machine. You will not be able to modify the template while it’s uploaded in the cloud. Please avoid requesting access to the main file.
Specific directions for using the template are located directly in the document for your convenience. Now what are you waiting for? Download your free REALTOR® website copy generator below!