Climbing for the Fistula Foundation

On September 5th, 2013 one of our long-time customers Alysse Rogers will be attempting to fulfill her dream of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, ‘The Roof of Africa’ located in Tanzania. It is comprised of three dormant volcanoes which reach a height of 19,341 feet.

She is dedicating her climb to the Fistula Foundation.

What is Fistula?

A fistula is a hole as a result of obstructed labour in which almost always the baby dies, and leaves the mother in a state of incontinence. Traumatic fistulas are a result of sexual violence in countries where rape is used as a tool of war. The injury can occur when women are violated from the inside with bayonets, wood or even rifles.

Why is she doing this?

The majority of women who develop fistulas are abandoned by their husbands and ostracized by their communities because of their inability to have children. They are forced to live an isolated existence and suffer profound psychological trauma resulting from their loss of status and dignity.

As a woman and a mother of three healthy children she feels a call to support these women.

Is there a cure?

YES. A surgery.

Cost of surgery?

$450 US per woman.

This provides the surgery, post operative care, a new dress and bus fare home where they can start a new life.

Her goal?

To affect change in the lives of 10 women by raising and donating $4,500.00.

Her plan is to deliver 100% of the donations in person while in Africa.

How can you help?

Donate on her website.

– Alysse, we wish you the best of luck and you’re an inspiration to us!

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